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Monthly Summaries

September 2010

Barak Granit (photographic editor: Eyal Shochat)

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Black Shouldered Kite : the 2nd and 3rd for this autumn were recorded at Hatzor on the 4th (Moshe Cohen) and at Nizzana on the 24th, some 10 km from the "Kmehin" bird (Eran Banker).

Honey Buzzard : 62,000 were counted on the 1st at the Northern Valleys Survey (IOC survey team) representing the pick day for this season

Corncrake : 3 were reported mainly from Tel-aviv city and 1 from Maagan Michael, from the 5th onwards. Most of them were found exhausted or dead.

Black-winged Pratincole : 3 were seen at the Hula on the 29th (Ohad Hatzofe), 1 at Timurim on the 30.9 (Roni Livne) and flock of eleven migrated over "kfar Kassem" on the same day (Barak Granit and Ehud Dovrat).

 Black-winged Pratincole  
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus
 Copyrights: Rony Livne 

Red Knot : up to 3 birds together were recorded at Maagan Michael on the 19th (Arad Ben-David & Asaf Mayrose) and onwards, representing a good record number.

Red-necked Phalarope : up to 5 birds were seen simultaneously at Maagan Michael throughout the month (Amir Chaver et al.) and another bird was still showing at eilat K.20.

Terek Sandpiper : one was seen at Maagan Michael on the 1st (Arad ben David) and another one there on the 12th (Barak Granit & Eya Shochat).

Curlew Sandpiper : 90 birds were recorded at Maagan Michael on the 13th (Amir Ben Dov).

Bar-tailed Godwit : 7 birds were recorded from Newe Eitan, Gaash, Ashdod and Maagan Michael (4 birds) between the 12th until the month's end (Avner Rinot, Yochai Wasserlauf and Yoav Perlman et al.).

 Bar-tailed Godwit  
 Copyrights: Edith Katsnelson 

White-tailed Plover : birds was photographed at Bahad 1 Swage pools on the 26th

Gull-billed Tern : A nice flock of 38 birds were seen at Maagan Michael on the 5th (Chen Rozen).

White-cheeked Tern : 2 birds were still present at Eilat around the 20th (Lithuanian birders)

Richard's Pipit : 3 birds were seen at Latrun on the 29th (Eran Banker) and 1 at Kfar Rupin on the 26th (Avner Rinot).

Yellow Wagtail : up to 4,700 were counted in some Alfalfa fields at Tzoraa on the 22nd (Lenardt et al.)

Rock Thrush : one was seen at Mt Amsa on the 30th (Amir Ben Dov).

Turkestan Shrike : The bird from Hatzor (see August summery) was still there on the 4th (Eran Banker).

 Turkestan Shrike  
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus
 Copyrights: Moshe Cohen 

Common Rosefinsh : One was seen at Mitzpe Ramon on the 23rd (Tzoor Magen).

Rose-coloured Starling
(Sturnus roseus) Eilat area, May.05

(Numenius arquata) Acre shore, Sep.05

Blue Rock-Thrush
(Monticola solitarius) Mt. Arbel, Feb.06
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