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Welcome to the Birds of Israel photo album

You are all most welcomed to browse this photo collection, organized by families, and we hope you will find it useful and enjoyable.


All digital photo copyrights belong to the photographers. Reproduction or use in any manner without written permission is prohibited.
Most photos available for high quality prints – please contact the photographers directly or use the "contact us" form for requests.

Latest Additions to the Gallery:

© Avi Hirschfield

© Avi Hirschfield

© Avi Hirschfield

© Ralf Mertins

© Oz Horine

  • Divers to Frigatebirds
  • Herons to Flamingos
  • Wildfowl
  • Raptors
  • Partridge to Bustards
  • Waders
  • Skuas to Terns
  • Sandgrouses to Cuckoos
  • Owls to Swifts
  • Kingfishers to Woodpeckers
  • Larks to Thrushes
  • Warblers to Sunbirds
  • Shrikes to Buntings

Little Owl
(Athena noctua) Ashalim, Feb.06

Caspian Tern
(Sterna caspia) Eilat, Jun.05

(Alcedo atthis) Ma'agan Michael, Aug.04
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© All photos in this website are courtesy of the photographers - Please do not copy or use them without permission.
Please direct comments and contributions to the: Authors