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The effect of water on fat and mass gains by migratory warblers
The following is a summary of a study aimed to examine the influence of water on the behavior and physiology of migratory warblers...

Prey composition of the Little Owl and the Long-eared Owl in Jerusalem and the Judean Lowlands
A summary of Yosef Kiat's research, that examines the prey composition of the Little Owl (Athena noctua) and the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) throughout the year.


Lesser Flamingo
(Phoeniconaias minor) Eilat salt pans, Mar.06

Common Kestrel
(Falco tinnunculus) Hula valley, Feb.05

Citrine Wagtail
(Motacilla citreola) Yotvata, Mar.05
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