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>> Monthly Summaries

July 2006

Tomer Landsberger

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea): singles at the gulf of Eilat on early july (A. Ben-dov, N. Weiss et al.).

Lesser Flamingo (Phoenicopterus minor): The bird first found in March, was last seen at Km 20 on 04/Jul (S. Haham, T. Landsberger).

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus): 6 at Ma'agan Michael on 12/Jul (J. Meyrav); 1 at Acre shore on 26/Jul (S. Haham).

 Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) 
 Acre shore, 26-JUL 

Cream-coloured Courser (Cursorius cursor): 55 birds, including 4 families with chicks, were counted south of wadi Aduraim (E. Hadad, R. Shaish).

Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus): 1 at Anot reservoire, judean plains, 21/Jul (P. Geffen); 1 at Acre shore on 25/Jul (S. Haham).

 Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) 
Terek Sandpiper
 Acre shore, 25-JUL 

Meditterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus): 1 at Eilat on 16/Jul (N. Weiss).

Franklin's Gull (Larus pipixan): 1 adult at Eilat's beach, 01-04/Jul (Y. Perlman et al.), the second record for Israel.

 Franklin's Gull (Larus pipixan) 
Franklin's Gull
 Eilat, 06-JUL 

Arctic Tern (Sterna arctica): 1-2 off Eilat's north beach, 01-04/Jul (Y. Perlman et al.).

 Arctic Tern (Sterna arctica) 
Arctic Tern
 Eilat, 04-JUL 

White-cheeked Tern (Sterna repressa): 1-2 off Eilat's north beach, 01-04/Jul (Y. Perlman et al.).

Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus): small groups of up to 13 were seen off Eilat's north beach during the first half of the month (Y. Perlman, N. Weiss et al.); a returning bird (since 03') was seen at Dor Beach, 17/Jul (A. Cohen).

Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis): 1 off Eilat's north beach, 05/Jul (N. Weiss).

Basra Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus griseldis): 4 birds were cought and ringed at the Hula valley, 04-07/Jul (Y. Perlman, A. Geffen et al.). These included a fresh Juvenile and a female with a brood patch, the first indication of this species breeding outside S Iraq.

Nubian Nightjar
(Caprimulgus nubicus) Southern Dead-sea, Mar.06

Wood Lark
(Lullula arborea) Latron area, Nov.04

Terek Sandpiper
(Xenus cinereus) Ma'agan Michael, Jul.05
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