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Monthly Summaries

November 2010

Barak Granit (Photographic ed: Eyal Shochat)

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Pygmy Cormorant: A flock of 500 birds were counted at Neve Ur fishponds on the 3rd (B. Granit, S. Alterman)..

Brown Booby: 1 at Eilat North Beach from the 15th onwards (seen by many birders).

Mangrove Heron: The bird found at Neot Smadar sewage ponds on the 6th (E. Banker, E. Shochat) still presents by late November. 1 was photographed at Yarkon Park on the 19th (Haggai Wasserstrom), The 2nd record for Dan Region. Another one was collected wounded at Haifa on the 27th and was taking into care. The northernmost record in Israel (details by Ohad Hatzofe).

 Mangrove Heron 
 Copyrights: Rami Mizrachi 
Ruddy Shelduck: A flock of 11 birds at Haatzor on the 17th (Moshe Cohen) and 35 at Hayogev (Jeazral Valley) on the 19th (Ohad Hatzofe).

Black Shouldered Kite: Infloux continues. 1 at Hazor?m reservoir (Yavniel valey) on the 3rd (Ariel Ro?). 1 at Yotvata on the 6th (A. Ben-dov). A possibly adult bird at Nizzana on the 5th (Yochai Koren, Uri Arad) and another seen migrating south over Kfar Rupin on the 11th (Avner Rinot et al.). All birds belong to the vociferus ssp. 2 birds seen together at Cmehin and 1 at Azuz on mid month (Amir Ben Dov et al.). 12 birds up to date during this Autumn.

Black Vulture: 1 at Gamla on the 29th (Lior Kislev).

Saker: 1 at the Hulla valley on the 15th (Nadav Israeli).

Crane: 42,000 birds were counted at the Hula Valley on the 15th – a new record number.

Dotterel: 1 at Yotvata on the 4th (B. Granit et al.), 2 at Kfar Rupin on the 13th (Lior Kislev). 6 birds at Sde Zin, Sede Boker on the 23rd (Moshe Cohen) and 9 there on the 26th (Tzoor Magen).

 Copyrights: Moshe Cohen 
Sociable Plover: 1 near Tal Shachar on 2.11 (Ezra Hadad) and 3 at Maoz Haim on the 19th (Lior Kislev). 7 birds at Urim on the 17th as well (J. Meyrav et al.), 2 birds at Yotvata on the 19th (Rei Segali).

White-tailed Plover: 1 at Tirat Zvi sewage on the 16th (Kobi Meyrom). 1 at Neve Eitan on the 9th and another 2 at Lehavot Habashan on the 10th (Jonathan Meyrav et al) .

Oystercatcher: The bird found in October at Acre continues, seen on the 22nd (Tuvia Kahn et al.).

Sanderling: 1 at Kfar Rupin Fishponds on the 3rd (B. Granit, S. Alterman).

Whimbrel: 1 at Jaffa port on the 24th (Barak granit).

Grey Phlarope: 4 birds observed on the 2nd at K.20 Eilat, representing the highest gathering of this species in Israel up to date (Pettery Hytonen & Tomi Muukkonen et al.). 1-2 bird remaind for extra 2 weeks or so.

Audouin's Gull: A 2nd winter bird was photographed at Shovey Zion coast on the 17th (Itai Shimshon).

Great Black-backed Gull: The returning bird was seen at Acre by many birders througout the month.

Rufous Turtle Dove: 1 reported at Nachshon reservoir (Judean plain) on the 13th (Adi Ganz). Ssp unknown. Another bird was reported from Eilat on the 18th (Rea Shaish & Itai Shani).

Pallid Swift: 30 birds at Yotvata on the 17th (Barak Granit), an exceptional date fot this species. Smaller numbers were seen in other parts of the Negev throught the month.

Oriental Skylark: Up to 20 birds in Yotvata circular field (B. Granit, S Alterman, A. Ben-dov, Eyal shochat et al.). 10 birds at Kfar Rupin on the 10th onwards (Avner Rinot et al.). 1 at Nizzana on the 5th (Yochai Koren, Uri Arad) and 2 at Kalya on the 13th (Jonathan Meyrav). One at Be’er Sheva on the 18th (A. Cohen, E. Shochat).

 Oriental Skylark 
 Copyrights: Amir Ben-dov 
Calandra Lark: 1 at Yotvata on the 4th (B, Granit, S. Alterman). This species is rare (local) winter visitor in the southern Arava with less than 10 records. 100 birds were seen at Kfar Rupin on the 5th (Avner Rinot). This species hasn't been seen in the Beit Shean Valley in such numbers since the 80's.

Bimaculated Lark: 1-2 birds on the 4th at Yotvata (B. Granit). 5 at Kfar Rupin on the 5th (Avner Rinot). 1 at Nizzana on the 5th (Yochai Koren, Uri Arad). 2 at Km 20 on the 3rd (Itay Shanni).

Temminck's Horned Lark: an exceptional flock for the winter period, of 35 birds, were seen at Yotvata on the 8th (Tuvia Khan et al.) and another 12 at the same place on the 16th (Barak Granit). Up to 9 birds were seen in different places at Hameishar (Eran Banker, Barak Granit et al.).

Thick billed Larks: up to 100 birds seen at hameishar from the 4th onwards (Itai Shani, Oz Horin, Noam Weiss et al.). 12 birds at Yotvata on the 11th (James P. Smith et al.). A female with fledgling were seen at Central Arava on the 19th (Shachar Alterman).

Black Crowned Sparrow Lark: 1 male was found on the 3rd at Yotvata (Itai Shani), remaind until the 15th and seen by many birders. The first autumn/winter record since 21 years.

 Black Crowned Sparrow Lark 
 Copyrights: Rami Mizrachi 
Buff-bellied Pipit: 1 was ringed at Wadi Ogg, northern Dead Sea on the 29th (Yotam Lenhardt). Two at Be’er Sheva on the 11th (E. Shochat). 1 at Neve Eitan on the 26th (Tuvia Kahn, Tzach Matmon).

 Buff-bellied Pipit 
 Copyrights: Yoav Perlman 
Black throated Accentor: The 2nd for Israel (after 29 years) was trapped, ringed, Photographed and released at Nativ Halamed-h? on the 8th (Ron Haran, Yotam Lenerdt et al.) and re-trapped on the 11th and 19th.

 Black throated Accentor 
 Copyrights: Ron Haran 
Eye-browed Thrush: The 3rd for Israel (if accepted) was seen briefly at the Roses Garden, Jerusalem on the 16th (Avner Rinot). The bird was not relocated later on or in the following days.

Pied Wheatear: A 1st winter female was seen and photographed on the 8th at Neot Smadar (Tuvia Khan, Sachi Luria, Tsach Matmon).

 Pied Wheatear 
 Copyrights: Tzach Matmon 
Kurdish Wheatear: 1 male was seen and photographed at En Gedi field School on the 10th (Yuval Dax). Another bird on the 19th at Cmehin, Nizzana (Amir Ben-dov).

Desert Wheatear: A very good winter for this species in the Arava and Negev (wintering population) with many tens in southern Arava. Many birds at Hameyshar as well (Barak Granit er al).

Moustached Warbler: 1 at nafcha on the 12th (Barak Granit, Shachar Alterman, Avner Cohen and Tomer landsberger). Rare in the Negev.

Barred Warbler: 1 trapped at Ahsdod on the 13th, a late record (Yoav Perlman).

Cyprus Warbler: Adult male at Nafcha on the 12th (B.Granit). Rare outside wintring grounds.

Menetries's Warbler: The Sede Boker bird from October was recaptured on the 22nd (Daren Burnes).

Yellow browed Warbler: 1 caught and ringed at Tzoraa on the 7th (Yosef Kiat). 1 seen at Kibutz Gevulot on the 8th (James p. Smith et al.). 1 at Misgav Am on the 27th (Nissim Primo).

 Yellow browed Warbler 
 Copyrights: Yosef Kiat 
Hume's Warbler: 1 reported from Tel zafit (Judean plain) on the 13th (Ezra Hadad), a possible Hume's was heard at Wadi OG northern Dead Sea. (Jhonathan Meyrav et al.).

Hume's/Yellow Browed Warbler: 1 on the 3rd at Beerotaim, Nizzana (Oz Horin, Edith Katsnelson).

 Hume's/Yellow-browed Warbler 
 Copyrights: Edith Katsnelson 
Goldcrest: 2 at Misgav Am on the 27th (Nissim Primo) .

Red-breasted Flycatcher: 4 birds between 9th - 22nd from Be’er Sheva, Shivta, Mashabei Sadeh and Mitzpe Ramon.

Wallcreeper: 1 at the Arbel on the 25th (Avner Cohen).

Daurian Shrike: 1 at Hamapil fishponds on the 1st (Tzach Matmon) and 1 at En Shachak on the 25-27th (Liri Koplevitch, Eran Banker). 1 at Neve Eitan on the 26th (Tuvia Kahn, Tzach Matmon). .

Stepe Grey Shrike: The first for Dan region was seen on the 9th at Hiriya (Noam Weiss).

Rose-coloured Starling: 2 at Kalya on the 13th (Jonathan Meyrav).

Common Rosefinch: 1 at en Hamifraz on the 2nd (Amir Ben-dov). 1-2 birds at Nativ Halaned-h? on the 8th (Ron Haran, Yotam Lenerdt, Avner Rinot et al). 1 was ringed at Tzoraa on the 7th and another 1 on the 19th (Yosef Kiat & Yotam Lenerdt), 1 was photographed at JBO ringing station and 7 birds together were seen feeding on Sacred Blackberry bush near Hulda Reervoisr, Judean Plain on the 13th (Ezra Hadad).

Syrian Serin: 1 was caught and ringed at Nativale' on the 19th (Ron Haran) – a good record for western Israel.

 Syrian Serin 
 Copyrights: Ron Haran 
Yellowhammer: 1 at En Gedi Field School on the 14th (James P. Smuth et al.).

Rustic Bunting: 1 was seen and Photographed at Nizzana on the 5th (Yochai, Uri Arad). Another bird, probably of that species was heard and seen flying over Beerotaim on the 9th (Eran Banker).

 Rustic Bunting 
 Copyrights: Yochai Koren 

Greater Sand Plover
(Charadrius leschenaultii) Eilat, Mar.05

Temmincks Horned Lark
(Eremophila bilopha) Arava valley, Mar.05

Turtle Dove
(Streptopelia turtur) Ma'agan Michael, Jun.04
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