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Monthly Summaries

August 2007

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Red-billed Tropicbird(Phaethon aethereus): 2 juv. off Eilat's north beach, 31/Aug(U. Maman, S. Alterman).

Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster): 1 was still present off Eilat's north beach early in the month.

 Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) 
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
 26-JUL, Eilat 

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus): at Ma'agan Michael, 3 on 20/Aug and 1 on 21/Aug (Y. Eshbol).

 Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) 
Haematopus ostralegus
 21-AUG, Maagan-Michael 

Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis): for the third consecutive year, 2 birds were seen at Ein Hahoresh fishponds, Hefer valley, 03/Aug (Tamir&Iris).

Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus): 2 present at Nahsholim fishponds, 02/Aug (C. Rozen); 1 at Ma'agan Michael, 21/Aug (Y. Eshbol, R. Shaish).

Red Knot (Calidris canutus): 1 at Ma'ayan Zvi fishponds, 17-/Aug (S. alterman et al.).

 Red Knot (Calidris canutus) 
Red Knot Calidris canutus
 17-AUG, Ma'ayan Zvi 

Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia): 1 at Ma'agan Michael shore, 09/Aug (C. Rozen).

Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna benegalensis): 1 at Acre shore, 09/Aug (S. Haham); another or same bird seen at Ma'agan Michael on 21/Aug (R. Shaish).

Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus): 1 at Acre shore, 10/Aug (S. Haham).

Black Tern (Chlidonias niger): 1 at Hulda/Revadim reservoir, 15-19/Aug (A. Cohen, E. Vanunu, P. Geffen et al.).

 Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) 
Black Tern Chlidonias niger
 15-AUG, Revadim 

Hoopoe Lark (Alaemon alaudipes): 1 at Samar and 1 at Km 77, southern Arava, 29-31/Aug (S. Alterman).

 Hoopoe Lark (Alaemon alaudipes) 
Hoopoe Lark Alaemon alaudipes
 30-AUG, K77 

Yellow-Breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola): 1 ringed at the Hula valley, 13/08 (N. Israeli et al.). The 11th record for Israel.

 Yellow-Breasted Bunting (Embriza aureola) 
Yellow-Breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola
 13-AUG, Hula valley 

(Charadrius morinellus) Yotvata, Dec.05

Little Egret
(Egretta garzetta)Tel-Baruch shore, Dec.05

Pallid Harrier
(Circus macrourus) Western Negev, Feb.06
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