Sooty Falcon : was seen at Gan Shmuel fields on the 7th (Asaf Weiler). |
Black Shouldered Kite : A juv, probably of the African subspecies caeruleus was found at Nizzana on the 19th (Barak Granit), remained in the area onwards and seen and photographed by many birders. |
| Black Shouldered Kite | |  | | |
Cream coloured Corser : was seen at the Batecha (north-eastern corner of Sea of Galillee) on the 16th (Lior Kislev). |
Terek Sandpipers : 2 were reported flying over Shilat on 2.8 (Johnatan Meyrav). 1 at Maagan Michael was observed between the 3rd to 9th (Asaf Mayrose et al). 1 at Nachshon Reservoir, Judean Plain on the 14th (Rea Shaish) and 1 at Eilat on the 23rd (Itai Shani). |
Red-necked Phalarope : was seen at eilat on the 23rd (itai Shani) and again on the 31st. |
Whimbrel : 1 at Maagan Michael from the 3rd onwards (asaf Mayrose et al.). 1 was seen at Acre on the 12.8 (Sachi Luria) and at the same place on the 30.8 (Amir Ben-Dov). |
Auduin's Gull : juv, was seen and photographed at Maagan Michael on the 18th (Amir Ben-Dov) and remained for a week or so afterwards. |
| Auduin's Gull | |  | | |
Brideled Terns : 9 at Eilat north beach on the 3rd and 4th. (Itai Shani) |
White-cheeked Tern : Singles at Eilat north beach on the 3rd and 4th. (Itai Shani) |
Caspian Tern : 1 was seen at Maagan Michael on the 24th (Sachy Louria & Ran Markus). |
Marsh Warbler : many seen and ringed in verious places, especially Nizana and Zora'a towards the month's end (Eyal Shocat, Barak Granit and Yosef Kiat). 16 birds ringed at Nizana on the 31st (Yoav Perlman et al.) representing a record number for Israel. |
| Marsh Warbler | |  | | |
Olive-tree Warbler : at Emek Haela (22.8) and Barred Warbler (25.8) were seen at Mazkeret Batia (Peter Gefen). High numbers than usuall of Barred and Olive-tree Warblers were cought throught the month at the JBO. |
Icterine Warbler : 1 observed at K.20, Eilat on the 31st (Itai Shani). The only report of this species this autumn. |
Robin : 2 over-summering at Shilat on the 1st (Jhonatan Meyrav) |
Black Bush Robin : 1 reported from the Jordan valley at Mechola on the 15th and may represent the northern most record in the region (Slip Glop). |
Turkestan Shrike : 1 was seen and photographed at Hazor reservoir (coastal plain) on the 21st (Moshe Cohen) representing a vanguard record for the country of any "Isabelline" type shrike. |
European Rosefinch : juv ringed at the JBO on 24.8 |