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Monthly Summaries

October 2005

Ido Tsurim, Tomer Landsberger

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Yelkouan Shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan): 12, 30/OCT off Jaffa Port (T. Kahn).

Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis): The long staying individual is still seen at its regular place off-shore Ma'agan Michael, most recently sighted on 28/OCT (T. Landsberger).

Little Egret (Egretta garzetta): an individual of the rare gray morph was seen on the 1st at Ein Hahoresh fishponds (A. Ben Dov).

Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea): 8, Hula valley refloaded area, 24/OCT (Y. Perlman, N. Israeli, A. Geffen); 18, Kfar Ruppin reservoir, Bet Shean valley, 25/OCT (A. Cohen, Y. Dax, T. Landsberger).

White-Headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala): 24 at Nesher-Ramla reservoir (near Ramla) on 19/OCT were the first to arrive this year (E. Haddad). 4 individuals, seen on the 29/OCT (S. Rosenwald), were the first arrivals to the Hulda Reservoir.

Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina): an unbelievable passage of approximately 52,000 eagles flooded the northern and western parts of the country during 7 hours on October 2nd. The Eagles were counted by the participants of the Northern-Valleys raptor migration survey, conducted annually by the Israeli Ornithological Center (IOC) and sponsored by the Israeli Air-force. (B. Granit, the survey coordinator).

Sooty Falcon (Falco concolor): a family (with 4 fledged young), gave amazing views during mid October, just off the road above Tamar wadi (between Dimona and Arava junc.) (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit).

Saker (Falco cherrug): 1 on 31/OCT on the famous Urim-Ofakim electricity pylons (Y. Perlman), is the first to be seen there this season.

Baillon's Crake (Porzana pussila): 1, Bahad 1 sewage, Mitzpe Ramon, 14/OCT (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit).

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus): 1 on 8/OCT, on the islets off Ma'agan Michael shore (E. Vanunu, I. Tsurim).

White-tailed Lapwing (Vanellus leucurus): 1 on 9/OCT at Hazeva sewage ponds (O. Keynan et al). 1 on 15-OCT, Nitzana sewage ponds (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit). 1 on 29/OCT at Ein Hahoresh fishponds (B. Dvir).

Curlew (Numenius arquata): 1 at Kfar Ruppin, Bet Shean valley, 05-06/OCT (S. Mann, I. Shanni, N. Israeli, T. Landsberger).

Bar-tailed Godwit (Limoza lapponica): 1, Ma'agan Michael, 5-21/OCT (A. Chaver et al) ; 1, Atlit saltpans, 27/OCT (Y. Dax et al).

Painted Snipe (Rostratula benegalensis): the male at Ein Hahoresh fish-ponds was seen again on the 1st (A. Ben Dov).

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus): 2, 17/OCT in Maagan Michael (R. Mizrahi).

Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius): 1 on 28-30/OCT at Km 20 saltpans, Eilat area (N. Weiss).
 Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) 
Red-breasted Flycatcher
 Km 20, 30-OCT 

Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus): 1 on 20/OCT at Maagan Michael (S. Agmon).

Black Tern (Chlidonias niger): 1 at Ma'agan Michael on 01/OCT (Y. Perlman, T. Landsberger, Y. Wasserlauf).

Stock Dove (Columba oenas): arrived during second half of the month to the Hula Valley, where they can be seen in small numbers around the reserve and the re-flooded area (Y. Perlman).

Dunn's Lark (Eremalauda dunni): 1, Be'er Sheva sewage pools, 21/OCT (D. Standing).

Bimaculated Lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata): 1 on 15/OCT at Nitzana sewage (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit).

Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula): 1 on 17/OCT near Mitzpe Ramon (Y. Perlman, G. Abdu, A. Cohen); 1 on 24/OCT at the Hula Valley (Y. Perlman); 2 on 26/OCT near Kfar Rupin (Y. Perlman).

Richard's Pipit (Anthus richardi): 1 on 15/OCT, Hula Valley (Y. Perlman); 3 on 13th at Yotvata (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit); 5 on 24/OCT at Hula Valley and 5 on 26/OCT near Kfar Rupin (Y. Perlman).

Yellow-browed Warbler (Phyloscopus inornatus): 1 at En Shaviv, Tzin valley, on18/OCT (B. Granit, E. Vanunu).

Daurian Shrike (Lanius Isabellinus): 1, Hatzeva sewage pools, 11/OCT (D. Standing); 1 1st winter, IBRC Eilat, 14/OCT (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit); 1, Hula valley, 15/10 (Y. Perlman, A.Geffen, N. Israeli); 1, Tsor'a 17/OCT (ringed) (N. Weiss, Y. Kiat); 1 adult ringed at IBRC Eilat, 18/OCT (R. Yosef); 1, Hula valley, 23/OCT (ringed) (Y. Perlman, A. Geffen, N. Israeli); 1, Tirat Tzvi, Bet Shean valley, 26/OCT (Y. Perlman); 1, Eilat salt canal, 30/OCT (A. Cohen, T. Landsberger).

Eastern Stonechats (Saxicola torquata variegata): relatively small numbers this year, with only 6 on 24-OCT at the Hula Valley and 5 on 26/OCT near Kfar Rupin (Y. Perlamn).

Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus): a female on 20/OCT near Mitzpe Ramon (E. Banker).

Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva): 1, Tsuba, 04/OCT (E. Vanunu); 2, kibbutz Lotan, 08/OCT (J. Meyrav); 1, Samar palm plantations, 08/OCT (J. Meyrav); 1, Jerusalem, 12/OCT (Y. Lehnardt); 1-2, Bahad 1 sewage, Mitzpe Ramon, 14-20/OCT (T. Landsberger, T. Khan, S. Mann, J. Meyrav, B. Granit, I. Tsurim, A. Cohen, I. Shani); 1, vadi Hava, 19/OCT (E. Vanunu, B. Granit); 2, Hulda reservoir, 25/OCT (A. Chaver, N. Akad).
 Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) 
Red-breasted Flycatcher
 Bahad 1 sewage, 14-OCT 

Pale Rock-sparrow (Carpospiza brachydactyla): 12 on 18-OCT at "Cochav Hayarden" fortress (S. Agmon).

Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus): 1 ringed at IRDC Eilat, 26/OCT (R. Yosef, Y. Wasserlauf).
 Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) 
Common Rosefinch
 Eilat, 26-OCT 

Greater Sand Plover
(Charadrius leschenaultii) Eilat, Mar.05

Pygmy Cormorant
(Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) Sea of Galilee, May 06

European Roller
(Coracias garrulus)) Judean plain, Sep.05
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