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>> Monthly Summaries

February 2007

Below is a summary featuring the most interesting observations from this month, based on reports from the ISRABIRDNET mailing list and other sources.
Bittern (Butorides stellaris) – 1 at Yeruham lake, 16-17/Feb (A. Cohen, M. Holyoak).

Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) - 2 off Eilat's north beach, 24/Feb (N. Weiss, R. Mizrachi, R. Livne, A. Chaver).

Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) – same bird from last month seen at En Harod fishponds, 03/Feb (N. Besser); 1 at Wadi Samak, 05/Feb (L. Kislev).

Oystercatcher (Haemotopus ostralegus)– 1 off Eilat's north beach, 24/Feb (N. Weiss, R. Mizrachi, R. Livne, A. Chaver).

Curlew (Numenius arquata) – 2 at Acre shore, 02/Feb (A. Ben-dov, E. Dovrat).

Kittiwake (Rissa trydactyla) – an adult and a 1st winter off Eilat's north beach, 24/Feb (N. Weiss, R. Mizrachi, R. Livne, A. Chaver).

Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus) – 1 at Acre shore, 02/Feb (A. Ben-dov, E. Dovrat).

Common Gull (Larus canus) – 11 still present at Acre shore, 02/Feb (A. Ben-dov, E. Dovrat).

Striated Scops Owl (Otus bruceii) – 1 at Wadi Ketura, 02/Feb (M. Holyoak).

 Striated Scops Owl (Otus bruceii) 
 Wadi Ketura, 02/Feb. 

Smew (Mergellus albellus): a female/1st winter at Nov reservoir, southern Golan heghts, 20-23/Jan (E. Banker et al.).

Hoopoe Lark (Alaemon alaudipes) – 1 at Samar area, Southern Arava, 16/Feb (N. Weiss).

Olive-backed Pipit (Anthus hodgsoni) – 1 still present at Eilot's date plantation on the end of the month (N. Weiss et al.).

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescense) – up to 4 at Eilat's date plantation, mid month (S. Haham et al.); 1 still present at Yotvata fields (N. Weiss).

Raven (Corvus corax) – 4 seen at the Hula valley, 05/Feb (F. Argyle, G. Galilli), rare in northern Israel.

Hooded Wheatear
(Oenanthe monacha) Arava valley, Oct.05

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
(Pterocles alchata) Western Negev, Mar.06

Rose-coloured Starling
(Sturnus roseus) Eilat area, May.05
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