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>> Monthly Summaries

March 2005

Tomer Landsberger

Red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus): 1 adult off Eilat's north beach on the 13th (J. P. Smith).

White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons): 1 at Meitzar reservoir, Golan heights, 7th (A. Chaver, N. Akad).

Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea): 1 at Ktziot pools, 9th (A. Geffen, A. Cohen); 2, Ma'ayan Tzvi, 27th (A. Chaver, N. Akad).

Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus): 2 above Jonathan Jnc. Golan heights, 7th (A. Chaver, N. Akad).

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus): 1 off Eilat's north beach, 10th (J. P. Smith); 1 off Eilat's north beach, 26th (Y. Wasserlauf et al.).

White-tailed Lapwing (Vanellus leucurus): 1 at Eliphaz's sewage ponds, Arava, 19th onwards (F. Moffat et al).

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus): At Km 20 saltpans, Arava, 1 1st winter on 20-24th and a summer plumage adult on the 26th (T. Landsberger et al)

Common Gull (Larus canus): 1 off Eilat's north beach, 4th (J. Meyrav).

Crested Tern (Sterna bergii): 1 off Eilat's north beach during a southern storm on the 31st (R. Lindroos, T. Landsberger, A. Shoresh et al).

Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis): 1 off Eilat's north beach during a southern storm on the 31st (R. Lindroos, T. Landsberger, A. Shoresh et al).

Egyptian Nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius): 1 at Km 19 area, Arava, 25th (N. Weiss et al).

 Egyptian Nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius) 
Egyptian Nightjar
 Km 19 fields, 25-MAR 

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus): 1 at Hasharon shore reserve, 4th (Y. Dax); 1 at Km 19 area, Arava, 25th (N. Weiss).

Little Green Bee-eater (Merops orientallis): an off range bird, Morasha jnc, Ramat Hasharon (N. Primo).

Bimaculated Lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata): an influx. Max. 100 at Grofit, Arava, on the 12th (J. Meyrav, T. Landsberger et al); 200-300 at Samar's fields, Arava, 20th (T. Landsberger, J. Meyrav et al et al.).

Temminck's Lark (Eremophila bilopha): 11 at Grofit, Arava, 11th (J. Meyrav); 4 at wadi Hayun and 7 on Tzihor jnc on the 16th (J. Meyrav); 1 at Km 37 shit heaps, Arava, 20th - 27th (J. Meyrav, T. Landsberger et al); several at the Meyshar, road 40, 24th (J. P. Smith et al).

 Temminck's Lark (Eremophila bilopha) 
Temminck's Lark
 Km 37 compost heaps, 24-MAR 

Thick-billed Lark (Ramphocoris clotbey): 4, wadi Hayun, 17th (J. Meyrav); 3 Mt. Yoash, Eilat, 17th (H. Shirihai).

Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus japonicus): 1 at Yotvata's circular field, 4th (J. Meyrav).

Richard's Pipit (Anthus richardi): 1 at Yotvata's circular field, 4th (J. Meyrav).

Olive-backed Pipit (Anthus hodgsoni): the 2 present since January at Samar's date plantation were last seen on the 8th (J. P. Smith).

Cyprus Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca): 1 near Yotvata's sewage ponds, Arava, 13th (T. Landsberger et al); 1, Samar date plantation, Arava, 14th (A. Cohen, T. Landsberger); 1 at Dimona area, 24th (Y. Perlman).

Black Bush Robin (Cercotrichas podobe): 1 at Eilat's southern date plantation, 31st (R. Lindroos et al).

Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia cantillans): 1 at Yeruham lake, 19th (E. Banker); 1 at Shulamit garden Eilat, 20th onwards (J. P. Smith et al.); 1 at Elifaz's date plantation, Arava, 26th (T. Landsberger et al); 1, Be'er Sheva area, 28th (Y. Perlman).

Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus): 1, Sde Boker college, 14th (Y. Perlman, M. Wojchiecowsky).

Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata): 1 at Ye'elim holiday village, near Yotvata, 12th (J. Meyrav).

Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva): the 1 that wintered at Lotan's date plantation was last seen on the 8th (J. P. Smith).

Steppe Shrike (Lanius pallidirostris): 1 at the Hayun plains on the 26th (J. P. Smith et al)' possibly a returning individual.

Fan-tailed Raven (Corvus rhipidulus): 8 off range at Mt. Gilboa on the 1st (A. Geffen, Z. Labinger).

Syrian Serin (Serinus syriacus): 5 at Mt. Gilboa on the 5th (B. Granit).

Red-fronted Serin (Serinus pussilus): 1 at Mt. Gilboa on the 5th (B. Granit).

Cinereous Bunting (Emberiza cineracea): 1 at wadi Kidron, Dead sea area, 12th (Y. Dax); 1 at Km 37 shit heaps, Arava, 26th (R. Livne); 2 at Lotan's cow-sheds, Arava, 27th (Swedish birders).

Rustic Bunting (Emberiza rustica): a summer plumage male seen at Elifaz's Date plantation, Arava, on the evening of the 25th (J. Meyrav et al).

Greater Sand Plover
(Charadrius leschenaultii) Eilat, Mar.05

Little Owl
(Athene noctua) Negev, Jun.04

Olive-backed Pipit
(Anthus hodgsoni) Sde Boqer, Nov.05
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