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>> Monthly Summaries

June 2004

Eyal Shochat

Northern Israel
On 7/6 Namaqua Dove near Kibutz Amir ( Hula Valley ) (U. Shlezinger). On 14/6 there were 6 Marbled Teals at the northern Hula lake (L. Kislev). A survey of Collared Pratincole nests in the Hula on 21/6 resulted in 5 nesting colonies, total of 103 adults, 25 flying juveniles, plus nests with eggs and young chicks. These are minimum numbers and probably represent up to 60-70 pairs.
At Beit Shean valley, The northernmost pair of Little Green Bee-eaters nested in the Jordan valley near Kfar Rupin (K. Meyrom, Z. Labinger) Two fledglings were seen in mid June. Also in Bet Shean Valley on 22/6 - The first colony of Collared Pratincoles since mid 1980s, with 24 adults and two chicks, Minimum of 8 pairs (possibly 12-15). On the same day one Crane and one Osprey in the area (Z. Labinger). At Har Meron there were two Honey Buzzards on 26/6 (A. Tsairi et al).

Southern Israel
Sea birds at Eilat: On 12/6 One Long-tailed Skua and one Lesser Crested Tern (Y. Perelaman). On 26-27/6 – five Sooty Shearwaters, one Pomarine Skua, two Arctic Skuas, five Cory's Shearwaters, two Lesser Crested Terns, one Bridled Tern, three Gull-billed Terns and 25 Caspian terns. At the fields there were two Sooty Falcons (Noam Weiss).

Long-billed Pipit
(Anthus similis) Mt. Arbel, Feb.05

Rock Sparrow
(Petronia petronia) Mt. Hermon, Jun.05

Bonelli's Eagle
(Hieraaetus fastiacus) Sde Boqer, Apr.04
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