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>> Monthly Summaries

August 2004

Eyal Shochat

Northern Israel
The Best bird found during August was the second Israeli Green Warbler (First record in October 1987). Zev Labinger found it on 24/8 at Ramat Serin (Southern Lake of Galilee) during the annual soaring bird survey in the northern valleys. Several other folks managed to successfully twitch the bird at least until 29/8.
 Green Warbler (Phylloscopus nitidus) 
Green Warbler
 Ramat Sirin, 26-AUG 

In the Hula two over summering adult Common Cranes were seen on 4/8. Seasonal goodies at Maagan Michael included the followings: Oystercatcher 3 on 5/8, 1 on 21/8 and 1 on 22/8; Terek Sandpiper 1 on 21/8 and 1 on 22/8; Bar-tailed Godwit 1 on 21/8; Common Gull 1 on 21/8; Bridled Tern 1 on 21-22/8; White-cheeked Tern 1 on 5, 21-22/8; Black Tern 1 on 22/8 and Gull-billed tern 1 on 22/8 (Y. Perelman, T. Landsberger and others).

Shfela and Jerusalem
The most interesting bird in central Israel was the first August record of Subalpine Warbler in Israel . An adult male was trapped in Jerusalem on 18/8. Several good waterfowl species were found at the Nahal Sorek reservoirs. At Yesodot reservoir there were 18 Ferruginous Ducks on 6/8 (Y. Kiat). At Tzora Reservoir one Terek Sandpiper was seen on 13/8 (G. Perelman et al.). At Tal Shahar Reservoir there was 1 Ruddy Shelduck on 23/8 (E. Banker).

Southern Israel
At the Beer-Sheva sewage ponds there were 1 Gull-billed Tern on 13/8 and 1 White-tailed Plover on 26/8, the earliest ever for this site (R. Livne).

Red Knot
(Calidris canus) Acre, Jan.06

White-winged Black Tern
(Chlidonias leucopterus) Ma'agan Michael, Mar.04

(Alectoris chukar) Sde Boqer, Apr.04
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