>> Monthly Summaries
August 2004 | Eyal Shochat
Northern Israel
The Best bird found during August was the second Israeli Green Warbler (First record in October 1987). Zev Labinger found it on 24/8 at Ramat Serin (Southern Lake of Galilee) during the annual soaring bird survey in the northern valleys. Several other folks managed to successfully twitch the bird at least until 29/8. |
| Green Warbler (Phylloscopus nitidus) | | | | Ramat Sirin, 26-AUG |
In the Hula two over summering adult Common Cranes were seen on 4/8. Seasonal goodies at Maagan Michael included the followings: Oystercatcher 3 on 5/8, 1 on 21/8 and 1 on 22/8; Terek Sandpiper 1 on 21/8 and 1 on 22/8; Bar-tailed Godwit 1 on 21/8; Common Gull 1 on 21/8; Bridled Tern 1 on 21-22/8; White-cheeked Tern 1 on 5, 21-22/8; Black Tern 1 on 22/8 and Gull-billed tern 1 on 22/8 (Y. Perelman, T. Landsberger and others).
Shfela and Jerusalem
The most interesting bird in central Israel was the first August record of Subalpine Warbler in Israel . An adult male was trapped in Jerusalem on 18/8. Several good waterfowl species were found at the Nahal Sorek reservoirs. At Yesodot reservoir there were 18 Ferruginous Ducks on 6/8 (Y. Kiat). At Tzora Reservoir one Terek Sandpiper was seen on 13/8 (G. Perelman et al.). At Tal Shahar Reservoir there was 1 Ruddy Shelduck on 23/8 (E. Banker).
Southern Israel
At the Beer-Sheva sewage ponds there were 1 Gull-billed Tern on 13/8 and 1 White-tailed Plover on 26/8, the earliest ever for this site (R. Livne). |
Red Knot (Calidris canus) Acre, Jan.06 |
White-winged Black Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus) Ma'agan Michael, Mar.04 |
Chukar (Alectoris chukar) Sde Boqer, Apr.04 |