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Kurdish Wheatear (Oenanthe xanthoprymna), east Samaria, 28/FEB/06

Tomer Landsberger

The well vegetated slopes of wadi Zananier (near Ma'ale Efraim, east Samaria) are ideal habitat for, among others, several species of Wheatears - Mourning, Finsch's and Black-eared at most days.
On February 28th, Ohad Hatzofe and Asaf Mayrose were surveying the wadi as part of the Shomron (Samaria) Raptor nesting survey, when they found a male Kurdish Wheatear.

This species is a very rare passage migrant and winter visitor to eastern and southern parts of Israel, with only a handfull of records from the last decade.

More then 10 birders followed the report - a mega twitch by Israeli standarts.

Last seen: 03/Mar/06

Kurdish Wheatear Persian Wheatear Kurdish Wheatear Kurdish Wheatear Kurdish Wheatear

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