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>> Rarity Alerts

Little Bunting (Emberiza pussila), Samar, 23/Nov/06

On November 23rd, a Little Bunting was observed by Jonathan Meyrav at Samar's date plantation, southern Arava.
This species is a very rare migrant in Israel, mainly between mid October and mid December, with less then annual sightings. Worth noting that up until the late 80', it was seen regularly at Eilot's date plantation (near Eilat) in November, but strangely, none were reported from the area since.

 Little Bunting (Enberiza pussila) 
Little Bunting
 Samar, 23-NOV 

White-winged Black Tern
(Chlidonias leucopterus) Ma'agan Michael, Mar.04

(Alectoris chukar) Sde Boqer, Apr.04

Indian Silverbill
(Lonchura malabarica) Bet HaShitta, Aug.06
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