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>> Rarity Alerts

Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), Meitzar, 08/Feb/2008

2 female type Goldeneyes were discovered in a flooded area near Kibbutz Meitzar (Southern Golan) on February 8th (Tamir Simantov et al.).
This is the 29th record for Israel and the first in seventeen years.

During the 80's Goldeneyes were almost annual but since the last record (winter 1990), this species was no recorded in country.

Images below are courtsy of Rony Livne.

Goldeneye Goldeneye Goldeneye

Lesser Spotted Eagle
(Aquila pomarina) Bet Shean valley, Oct.05

Crowned Sandgrouse
(Pterocles coronatus) Nizzana, Oct.05

Painted Snipe
(Rostratula benghalensis) Hefer valley, Sep.05
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