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>> Rarity Alerts

Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla), Mt. Baron, Golan Heights, 17/Dec/2011

On December 17th, a Firecrest was reported from Baron Mt. Northern Golan Heights.

The bird was sighted by Tuvia Kahn and Frank Mofat and tis record represents the 1st (and long awaited) record of this species in Israel.

Images below are courtesy of Amir ben-dov.

 Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) 

 Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) 

Little Bittern
(Ixobrychus minutus) Neot Semadar, Oct.05

Red Knot
(Calidris canus) Acre, Jan.06

Bimaculated Lark
(Melanocorypha bimaculata) Arava valley, Mar.05
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