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>> Rarity Alerts

Eye-browed Thrush (Turdus obscurus), Jerusalem, 04/Nov/07

On November 4th,a 1st year Eye-browed Thrush was caught and ringed at the Jerusalem bird Observatory (Shai Agmon et al.).
This is the second record of this species in Israel, the first being at Eilat in Oct 96'.
Eye-browed Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Eye-browed Thrush

Red-breasted Flycatcher
(Ficedula parva) Sde Boqer, Oct.04

Palm Dove
(Streptopelia senegalensis) Tel-aviv, Apr.06

Sinai Rosefinch
(Carpodacus synoicus) Wadi Hava, Oct.05
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