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>> Rarity Alerts

Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo)

Tomer Landsberger

On April 2nd at early morning, an adult Demoiselle Crane was seen flying with a large flock of Common Cranes, heading north from their roosting site at the Hula nature reserve. The bird was reported by 4 birders from the UK: Eric Palmer, Peter Dalton, Oscar Campbell and Juliette Kerrreported.
On the following day, the Crane was re-located in the fields of the Hula re-flooded area by Amir Ben Dov, and was subsequently observed by several other birders.

Possibly the same bird was also sighted migrating north over Eilat mts on the 29th of March, and again over Km 33 on the 30th.

Demoiselle Crane is a very rare passage migrant in Israel, with a bias towards eastern valleys in spring and the coastal strip and northern valleys in autumn.

Last seen on: 07/Apr/06
Demoiselle Crane Demoiselle Crane Demoiselle Crane
Keywords relevant for this page:

Demoiselle Crane

Demoiselle Crane migration

Demoiselle Crane in Israel

Anthropoides virgo

Anthropoides virgo in Israel

Anthropoides virgo sighting

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