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>> Rarity Alerts

Bateleur (Terathopius ecaudatus), Eilat, 28/Mar/2008

On 28/Mar, a Juvenile Bateleur was observed soaring over Eilat with Steppe Buzzards (N. Weiss, A. Cohen, R. Mizrachi).

This is the 7th record for Israel, with the previous one dating back to Feb 2002, Bet Guvrin, southern Judean plains (A. Mayrose, O. Hatsofe et.al.).

Bateleur Bateleur Bateleur

Black-crowned Finch-lark
(Eremoprerix nigriceps) Eilat, Apr.06

Northern Wheatear
(Oenanthe oenanthe) Sde Boqer, Apr.04

Broad-billed Sandpiper
(Limicola falcinellus) Ma'agan Michael, Sep.04
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