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>> Historical Rarity Records

Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura), Eilot, December 1982

The first and only Black Wheatear recorded in Israel, stayed near Kibbutz Eilot during 11-15/Dec/1982 (E. Dovrat et al.).
Black Wheataer Black Wheataer
© The photos are courtesy of Alon Ber, and were provided by Amir Ben-dov and Oz Horine, who scanned them to digital format.

Indian Silverbill
(Lonchura malabarica) Bet HaShitta, Aug.06

Blue Rock-Thrush
(Monticola solitarius) Mt. Arbel, Feb.06

Stone Curlew
(Burhinus oedicnemus) Bet Shean valley, Feb.05
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