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>> Birding Reports

Western Negev, 26/NOV/05
Eyal Vanunu

The western Negev is now at its best - the fields are loaded with thousands of Skylarks, Corn Buntings, Linnets, and of course, good numbers of wintering Raptors.

I started the mourning at Orim, and apart from the Saker, which was reported and photographed by Tomer, there was a juv. Lanner, 3 Peregrines, Barbary falcon (Tal-Or) and 6 Imperial Eagles, some of them perching on the pylons.
13 Sociable Plovers and 2-3 Dotterels were also around, as well as 6 Merlins and 2-3 Oriental Skylarks.
2 more Sociable Plovers and about 25 Dotterels were seen at Ofakim area.
Imperial Eagle Saker Sociable Plover Corn Bunting

Painted Snipe
(Rostratula benghalensis) Hefer valley, Sep.05

(Charadrius morinellus) Yotvata, Dec.05

Spur-winged Lapwing
(Vanellus spinosus) Ma'agan Michael, Apr.06
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