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>> Birding Reports

Western Negev, 19/NOV/05
Tomer Landsberger

On November 19th, Amir Ben-dov, Ehud Dovrat, Ezra Hadad and I went birding in the Western Negev.

Our first stop was at Tel-or area, were we saw 3 Imperial Eagles and a Peregrine perching on the pylons. Also there was one Namaqua Dove, quite rare that far west.

We continued towards Urim, were we met Peter Geffen who informed us of 7 Sociable Plovers and a Lanner he had seen.

We drove eastwards along the power line were we had several more Imperial Eagles, Peregrines, some Hen Harriers, a Merlin, and best of all a Saker, which allowed for very good views from close range.
After an extensive search, we managed to locate the Sociable Plovers in a dry field with Lapwings, and even got some decent shots of them.

When the hour was getting late, we drove to a nearby garbage dump, a known roosting place for Black Kites. An estimated 4,000 birds came in to roost, many of which arrived after the sunset.

Saker Sociable Plover Sociable Plover Namaqua Dove

Sooty Falcon
(Falco concolor) Arava, Oct.05

(Carduelis chloris) Hula valley, Feb.05

Namaqua Dove
(Oena capensis) Eilat area, May.05
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