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>> Birding Reports

Western Negev, 19/NOV/05
Tomer Landsberger

On November 19th, Amir Ben-dov, Ehud Dovrat, Ezra Hadad and I went birding in the Western Negev.

Our first stop was at Tel-or area, were we saw 3 Imperial Eagles and a Peregrine perching on the pylons. Also there was one Namaqua Dove, quite rare that far west.

We continued towards Urim, were we met Peter Geffen who informed us of 7 Sociable Plovers and a Lanner he had seen.

We drove eastwards along the power line were we had several more Imperial Eagles, Peregrines, some Hen Harriers, a Merlin, and best of all a Saker, which allowed for very good views from close range.
After an extensive search, we managed to locate the Sociable Plovers in a dry field with Lapwings, and even got some decent shots of them.

When the hour was getting late, we drove to a nearby garbage dump, a known roosting place for Black Kites. An estimated 4,000 birds came in to roost, many of which arrived after the sunset.

Saker Sociable Plover Sociable Plover Namaqua Dove

White-crowned Wheatear
(Oenanthe leucopyga) Mitzpe Ramon, Nov.05

(Saxicola torquata) Negev, Oct.05

Pied Wheatear
(Oenanthe pleschanka) Shizzafon, Nov.06
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