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>> Birding Reports

Negev, 29-30/NOV/05
Ido Tsurim

Scanning the Negev for Sandgrouses, I started this week at Yeruham reservoir, following reports of Black-bellied Sandgrouses drinking at that spot. I then moved on to Sde-Tzin (just west of Kibutz Sde Boker) and spent the rest of the day there.

I could not find any Sandgrouses that day, but was rewarded with magnificent views of an adult (male?) and juvenile (female?) Lanners, hunting together for more than an hour above Sde Tzin. The juvenile plunged into the small flocks of skylarks, trying to pick one out, while the adult waited and went for the same flocks. Indeed an awesome sight. Also worth noting were 2 adult Purple Gallinules (Yeruham res.), 3 Oriental Skylarks (Sde Tzin), and a few Penduline Tits and Desert Finches.

The next morning was much more rewarding Sandgrouse-wise. I spent it at the famous drinking spot at Ktziot (easet of Nizzana), were I had a total of 215 Black-belied Sandgrouses, 178 Spotted and 9 Crowned within 1.5 hours. A splendid experience. Also of interest were 2 Long-legged Buzzards, a female Hen Harrier, 4 Houbara Bustards, 2 Lesser Short-toed Larks, a few Spectacled Warblers and Penduline Tits, some Desert Finches, a Reed Bunting and 1 juvenile White-fronted Goose, which was photographed by Avner several days later.

Adult Lanner Falcon Juvenile Lanner Falcon White-fronted Goose White-fronted Goose

Cyprus Warbler
(Sylvia melanothorax) Wadi Shlomo, Feb.05

Crested Lark
(Galerida cristata) Yotvata, Apr.05

Crowned Sandgrouse
(Pterocles coronatus) Nizzana, Oct.05
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