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>> Birding Reports

Ringing in the Hula valley, JAN/06
Amit Geffen

January is the first real winter month in Israel. Due to frosty mornings, casual rain and thick fog, mist netting was pretty slow, that is excluding one sunny morning in Lehavot Ha'Bashan fishponds - Saturday the 21st - when we caught 77 birds from 17 species, including 23 Pied Kingfishers!
With not much else to do in such weather, our efforts were concentrated in Raptors, Coots and Ducks as the main ringing targets.
Even though we had no luck with Imperial or Grater spotted Eagles, we managed to ring a few Kestrels, Long legged and Common Buzzards, as well as a light phased Booted Eagle and a couple of Marsh Harriers.
Also noted in the sky - at least 5 White-tailed Eagles, a Lanner and an adult Golden Eagle (04.02.06, flying north above the pelican hide).
Apart from that, two clap-nets were used for catching Waterfowl. We would surely have done better with a cannon or a rocket net, but still we had a nice variety - 4 Wigeons, a Teal, a couple of Mallards, Moorhens, Spur-winged Plovers, 28 Skylarks, 3 Red throated Pipits and about 25 Coots.

Can't wait for the Spring,

Amit Geffen
On behalf of
Francis Argile (clap-netting & kingfisher-catching), Yoav Perlman, Ran Milgalter (raptor ringing), Nadav Israeli (night-heroning), Itai Shani, Gev Galili and Jonathan Halevy.

Night Heron Wigeon Teal Booted Eagle Common Buzzard Long-legged Buzzard Stone Curlew Pied and White-breasted Kingfishers Skylark Skylark and Red-throated Pipit Dunnok Moustached Warbler

Blue Rock Thrush
(Monticola solitarius) Mt. Arbel, Feb.05

Crested Lark
(Galerida cristata) Yotvata, Apr.05

Turtle Dove
(Streptopelia turtur) Ma'agan Michael, Jun.04
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