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>> Birding Reports

Ein Salvadora, 26/JUN/06
Yosef Kiat

Ein Salvadora is a small spring in the Judean desert, which attracts many birds during the day.
On the 26/6, the four of us - Yaki Setti, Tom & Ron Haran and I, spent a few hours around the spring. About 150 House Buntings (a relatively large number) were present, together with 30-40 Trumpeter Finches and 50 Desert Larks.
Ein Salvadora

Cliffs in the spring vicinity  

A total of 14 birds were ringed during the day – 11 House Buntings, 2 Trumpeter Finches and a single Desert Lark.
On the night of the 25th we saw a Hume's Owl not far away from Ein Gedi – the bird was quite cooperative, allowing excellent views for about 20 minutes.

Desert Lark Trumpeter Finch House Bunting House Bunting House Bunting

Citrine Wagtail
(Motacilla citreola) Yotvata, Mar.05

(Luscinia svecica) Samar, Oct.05

Wood Lark
(Lullula arborea) Latron area, Nov.04
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