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Early autumn on the Carmel coast
Tomer Landsberger

The Ma’agan Michael/Ma’ayan Tzvi complex is a 7 Km long stretch of shore and fishponds on the Carmel coast. It has long been renowned for attracting large numbers of Waders, Gulls, Terns and other seabirds during the migration period, including the occasional rarities.
Israel’s first Shag, a juvenile of the Mediterranean ssp. Desmarestii, was found by Barak Granit on the 18th of July. The Shag frequented the Pigeon Islets and the surrounding water, mainly during noon hours, and was seen by many birders throughout July and August.
For the third consecutive year, both Bridled and White-cheeked Tern were observed roosting with Common Terns – the first on the 22nd–26th of June and the latter on the 14th–26th of July.
Israel’s earliest autumn Common Gull (an adult) was seen between the 18th and 22nd of July.
Curlews and Whimbles, both scarce on migration, were often seen perched on one of the Islets.
Other scarce migrants included singles of Terek Sandpiper, Oystercatcher and Black Tern, most of which were seen on Ma’agan Michael shore.
On the morning of the 29th of August, a probable adult Baird’s Sandpiper was seen on the shore by Nir Sapir & Eyal Vanunu. The bird flew south after a very brief observation and was not relocated - there’s only one previous record in Israel. On the same day, a dark phase Eleonora’s Falcon was seen in oversea migration.
On the 11th of September 2 Red-necked Phalaropes and 3 Broad-billed Sandpipers were noted.
More common migrants included a few Sanderlings, Sandwich and Gull-billed Terns, tens of Turnstones, Greater Sandplovers and Little Terns, and hundreds of Common Terns.
Curlew Grey Plover Red-necked Phalarope Greenshank Geater Sandplover Ringed Plover Terek Sandpiper Temminck's Stint Dunlin Turnstone Armenian Gull Common Terns Common Tern Common Tern Whiskered Tern Yellow-legged Gull

Great Spotted Cuckoo
(Clamator glandarius) Ma'agan Michael, Jun.06

Greater Short-toed Lark
(Calandrella brachydactyla) Eilat, Apr.06

Red-backed Shrike
(Lanius collurio) Jazrael valley, Oct.05
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