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>> Birding Reports

Carmel coast, 10/FEB/06
Tomer Landsberger

Amir Ben-dov, Avishay Shoresh and I spent February 10th birding at the Carmel coast.

Ma’ayan Tzvi reservoir was packed with Ducks. All together, about 3,000 birds of 10 different species were present, including Gadwall, Wigeon, Pochard and a single Ferruginous. Most surprising were 20 White-headed Ducks - an unusual record for this area, as this species is normally concentrated in two main sites – Jazrael valley (Tishlovet Ha’Kishon in particular) and the Judean plains reservoirs, where a total of 1,000-1,500 winter annually.

We went on to Nahsholim fishponds, where we saw 3 Great Spotted Cuckoos and 10 Marsh Sandpipers.

At Dor shore reserve, a Red-breasted Merganser, rare but annual in Israel, has been present since December. The Merganser showed very well, and was observed fishing and preening in the lagoon for over an hour.
Other seabirds around were 3 Gannets and several distant Yelkouan Shearwaters.

At Ma’agan Michael, we were joined by Yigal Livne. Winter is traditionally the quiet season in that area, but there is always a potential for something good.
Of note were a few Turnstones, Greater Sand and Grey Plovers on the rocks of Jaser A-zark, 2 Yelkouan Shearwaters flying southwards and up to 5 Citrine Wagtails in a single dried fishpond.
We sealed the day at dusk, watching the tens of Marsh Harriers coming in to roost in the reeds of Dalia swamp.
Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Citrine Wagtail

Temmincks Horned Lark
(Eremophila bilopha) Arava valley, Mar.05

Turtle Dove
(Streptopelia turtur) Ma'agan Michael, Jun.04

Common Cuckoo
(Cuculus canorus) Kibbutz Samar, Apr.07
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